Towards The Great War

British soldiers in the trenches
The succeeding month of July 1914 after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was a month long of diplomatic maneuvers, conspiracy and inactions by some European countries. Where in the murder of the archduke who is too Slavophile and wanted peace with Serbia was used to spoil a war to settle political differences. July crisis is a period of time where the European powers turned an eye away from peace and chose to brawl in the Great War. 

The murder of the archduke in Sarajevo in June 28, 1914 caused consternation and fear in Europe. Investigations were already in process immediately after the assassination and all fingers are pointing to Serbia. The assassins, Nedjelko Cabrinovic who threw the grenade into the archduke’s car and Gavrilo Princip, the person who shot the royal couple dead were both members of the group called Young Bosnia, an affiliate to the Black Hand who is led by Dragutin Dimitrijevic, the Chief of Intelligence of the Serbian Army. The Black Hand was a nationalist underground group whose aim and purpose was to unite all Slav in one nation under Serbia. Cabrinovic and Princip together with other men were trained and conspired on killing the archduke in Belgrade. They were all given money, grenades, guns and instructions by Major Voja Tankosic and told to commit suicide after fulfilling the mission. Another assassin, Muhamed Mehmedbasic who was arrested in Montenegro even confessed that there was an irredentist Serbian group planning to meet up in France. These information prompted Austro-Hungarian and German diplomats requests Serbian and Russian counterparts that an investigation is needed within Serbia. However, all these efforts are denied, first was by the German Undersecretary of State Arthur Zimmermann through ambassadors in Germany. Second by Austro-Hungarian ambassador’s request to Slavko Gruic, the Secretary General of the Serbian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and lastly by Count Otto von Czernin, Austro-Hungarian charge d’ afaires to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Sazonov.

While all diplomatic channels are exerted, officials in Austria-Hungary are discussing the proper response on the current situation. The Chief of the General Staff, Count Conrad von Hotzendorf insisted on pursuing on a military mobilization against Serbia, Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister Count Leopold Berchtold suggested that Serbia stop anti Austro-Hungarian movements and activities and relieve all government officials involved in the assassination, Emperor Franz Josef on the other hand decided to wait for the inquiry results first. With the excuse for war looming in the dual monarchy, Alexander, Count of Hoyos was dispatched to Germany on July 5, carrying a letter dated June 24 for Emperor Wilhelm II asking for its position on the current political situation in the Balkan. Since the letter was written before the assassination, Emperor Franz Josef added his own letter to the German emperor, in the letter he stated that Serbia’s political power should end. The next day, Germany gave their “blank cheque”. This event is known as the “Hoyos Mission”.

The July 7 Joint Ministerial Council meet was more on how to provoke a war. Alexander, Count of Hoyos reported there that Germany will unconditionally support Austria-Hungary in any actions it take in punishing Serbia even if it causes a war against Russia or a large scale war. The lone voice opposing a war is Hungarian Prime Minister Count Istvan Tisza, he stressed out that an attack on Serbia will cause an intervention by Russia hence a world war. This was persuaded by his Austrian counterpart, Count Karl von Sturgkh. The latter pointed out that their indecision to launch a war might be seen as a weakness and cause them to lose their ally Germany who is egging for an Austro-Hungarian-Serbian war and was only concerned with Russia. One reason for Germany to start a war is that they believed that it would be impossible for them to beat the Russians in the near future because of its increasing army and improving railways, and that they would be encircled by the Entente powers and waging a war if ever will be useless.

It was decided by the Austro-Hungarian Joint Ministerial Council that the polyglot empire send an ultimatum to Serbia in which the terms within it be unacceptable and will surely result in war. Starting July 7, German Ambassador to Austria-Hungary Heinrich von Tschirschky and  Foreign Minister Berchtold held almost daily meetings to justify their actions. On July 8, Tschirschky told Berchtold that Wilhelm II expect Austria-Hungary to declare war and that the emperor would be very disappointed if the present situation will pass by. The ultimatum was held secret and to avoid suspicion and achieve the element of surprise the delivery was delayed until after the French president and prime minister’s official visit in St. Petersburg. Austrian ambassador to Russia even lied to Sazonov that Austria-Hungary will not do anything to provoke a war against Serbia. Another reason was the annual harvest of leave for soldiers, recalling them back in duty will certainly rise suspicion.

Even if the only proven fact is that some personalities within Serbian government are involved in the assassination and the connection of these people's actions to the government haven't been established, the Austro-Hungarian minister in Belgrade Wladimir Giesl delivered the ultimatum with a 48 hour deadline on July 23. The ultimatum stated that Serbia stop and condemn all anti Austro-Hungarian movements that aims to detach territories with the monarchy that they claim theirs.

Serbia are also given with these ten demands

1. Suppress all publications which incite hatred and contempt of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and are directed against its territorial integrity.
2. Dissolve the Serbian nationalist organisation Narodna Odbrana and all other such societies in Serbia.
3. Eliminate without delay from schoolbooks and public documents all propaganda against Austria-Hungary.
4. Remove from the Serbian military and civil administration everyone who conspired in the assassination.
5. Accept in Serbia representatives of the Austro-Hungarian Government for the suppression of subversive movements.
6. Bring to trial all accessories to the Archduke's assassination and allow Austro-Hungarian delegates to take part in the investigations.
7. Arrest Major Vojislav Tankosic and Milan Ciganovic who were named as participants in the assassination plot.
8. Cease the cooperation of the Serbian authorities in the traffic in arms and explosives across the frontier. Dismiss and punish the officials of Sabac and Loznica frontier service who are guilty of having assisted the perpetrators of the Sarajevo crime.
9. Provide explanations to the Austro-Hungarian Government regarding Serbian officials who have expressed themselves in interviews in terms of hostility to the Austro-Hungarian Government.
10. Notify the Austro-Hungarian Government without delay of the execution of the measures comprised in the ultimatum.

On the same day, British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey offered mediation and told that Britain would influence Russia and Germany to influence their ally to retract from conflict. Germany rejected the offer and reiterated that the matter was an internal issue and that they have no right to intervene. This was accepted by Sazonov despite reservations that it would destroy the Entente. Expecting already a war Russia ordered a partial mobilization or “Period Preparatory to War” while Grey offered mediation again on July 25 and suggested that Germany tell Austria-Hungary that Serbia’s reply was satisfactory but was rejected by Berchtold on the following day July 26. Britain who is still uncommitted with France and Russia at the time drew a distinctive line when Grey told the German Ambassador in London, Prince Lichnowsky their stand between an Austro-Serbian war and a Austro-Russian war. Germany acting innocent of the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum and portrayed for peace was offered a peace proposal again by Grey on July 27 and warned that if the situation escalates then Britain would have no choice but to side with France and Russia. The peak of the crisis was on July 28, after the 48 hour deadline Wladimir Giesl along with all his staff left Belgrade and Austria-Hungary cuts off diplomatic ties even if Serbia accepts almost all except the sixth demand. At 11:00 AM Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. One last straw for peace was King George V offer of mediation. The king desired that a joint British-German conference with France and Italy would work out for peace. This was also rejected by Germany.

The Goschen-Bethmann Hollweg meeting on July 29 aimed by Bethmann Hollweg to ensure British neutrality backfired, here he revealed that Germany would not annex any part of France and that they would soon violate Belgium’s neutrality and wouldn't annex them too if they won't resist German invasion. After he left the meeting he received message from Prince Lichnowsky, stating that if Germany attack France then Britain would have no choice but to defend their French ally. It was at this point the German Chancellor realized that what they accomplished was not a localized war between Serbia against Austria-Hungary but world war. In his last efforts to prevent it, he sent messages to Austria-Hungary urging them to cease hostility with Serbia and accept Russian talks. The request was rejected by Austria-Hungary because it is already late.

The Austro-Hungarian declaration of war against Serbia started the domino effect, causing Tsar Nicholas II to order a general mobilization, this was answered by a German general mobilization and by August 1 Germany declared war on Russia. With these declaration German soldiers invaded Luxembourg and Belgium prompting France to authorize its own mobilization. Germany declared war on France on August 3, and with King Albert of Belgium’s refusal to let German troops pass his country on August 4. Next to declare war was Great Britain and lastly on August 6, Emperor Franz Josef signing their declaration of war on Russia is just a mere formality because the world is already at war.

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